Check out our range of support resources, designed to help you make the most of VEMA Trader!
Got questions? Check out our FAQ’s for the most commonly asked questions about our trading platform.
Need support? Our ninjas are on hand to help you navigate your trades and give you live help!
Feeling alone? Our community of traders share setups, chat about upcoming trades, compare market conditions and support each others trading psychology!
Our Position Size Calculator steps you through the process of entering essential trade information. From your exchange to symbols, account size, risk percentage, entry price, Stop Loss and Take Profit target. Best of all – it’s FREE!
Our FREE Trade Pattern Cards are designed to highlight some of the most common patterns that come up in technical analysis.
As a bonus, they also give you a guide on how these patterns can be traded directly in VEMA Trader!
We want to help you find the best way to trade. A bad habits checklist gives you the information needed to improve trading performance.
Our FREE Trade Plan Template helps you create a set of guidelines for your trading.
Check your emotional state, establish entry and exit criteria and develop a framework for how you will measure trading performance.